Three Common Myths About Underground Utility Installation

HomeBlogThree Common Myths About Underground Utility Installation

We at GP Associates, Inc. have extensive experience with underground utility installation work. If you are working on a construction project of any kind and are interested in locating your phone lines, fiber optic cables, or other utilities underground, you can turn to our team to get the expert installation services you need.

Three Common Myths About Underground Utility Installation

Over the years, we have encountered several common myths and misconceptions about underground utility installation projects, so we have put together this article to correct this misinformation.

  • Myth #1: I don’t have to measure the depth of underground utilities. In our experience, many of the most common myths about underground utility installation stem from laziness. For example, sometimes contractors let themselves get lax about measuring underground utilities, so they tell themselves it’s safe to just assume the depths instead. Our team is committed to fighting this attitude. We understand the importance of accurate measurements and records, so we always take precise measurements and document them for the benefit of future contractors.
  • Myth #2: I won’t hit anything if I drill deep enough. Another assumption contractors often make is that simply digging deep enough will allow them to avoid damaging any other underground utilities. This is not a safe assumption, and it has led to many cases of damage. Our team always conducts proper measuring, potholing, and site preparation before we begin digging in order to avoid making any errors.
  • Myth #3: If there are no marks, there are no utilities. It’s easy to assume that a lack of location marks means there are no underground utilities in an area, but in many cases, it just means the utilities haven’t been found yet. Our team always conducts a thorough search to verify the location of any other utilities before we begin work on our own projects.